Referrals and Information
Testing for new students who have not been previously identified as Gifted will be in October.
Students who have been identified in another Gifted program please contact Evan Lear.
Lake Travis Independent School District
Discovery Program Referral Form
The GT/Discovery Program in LTISD is committed to:
Developing a passion for learning, and personal growth so that students reach their talent potential as a life-long learner
Delivering an enriched, rigorously accelerated curriculum apart from the standard classroom curriculum for identified students
Differentiating curriculum and instructional delivery to align with the needs of students
Directing all identified students toward intellectual, emotional, and social success in academics and life
So that all students’ intellectual, social, emotional and creative needs are met.
Identify and serve students who perform in the top 3-5% of the students nationally in the areas of:
general intellectual ability
advanced academic achievement
Provide exemplary units of study that both challenge and engage all identified students both intellectually and creatively.
Provide learning opportunities in high order thinking skills, decision making, problem solving and reasoning.
Address the social and emotional needs of identified students with the assistance of counselors, mentors, and peers.
Assist classroom teachers in the process of differentiation for identified students.
Strive to achieve exemplary status on the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students.
What is the GT/Discovery program?
Discovery is the academic enrichment/acceleration program provided for students who have been identified as intellectually and/or creatively gifted and talented.
How are students identified?
Students who are referred for the Discovery program go through a screening process, which involves five areas: verbal aptitude, nonverbal aptitude, achievement in math and reading, creativity, and qualitative data collection.
Students whose dominant language is Spanish will go through a screening process, which involves four areas: nonverbal aptitude, achievement in math and reading, creativity, and qualitative data collection. Achievement, aptitude, and creativity tests will be administered in Spanish when appropriate.
Who refers students?
A teacher, parent, student, or other interested persons observing a student with consistent evidence of gifted characteristics may refer him/her
What are some of the characteristics of a gifted student?
advanced/extensive vocabulary
work advanced beyond the grade level/age
extremely inquisitive, asks many questions, often challenging, provoking and/or demanding
in-depth understanding of complex concepts
persistence is evident in areas of interest
high level of curiosity, energy, enthusiasm and vigor for new ideas
advanced reasoning
feels keenly about own ideas and solutions to problems, and often expresses them regardless of what others may think
likes to examine new possibilities for problems/solutions, rather than fitting within a structure
especially original imagination
sustained attention span
initiates projects and often prefers to work alone
keenly observant
keen sense of humor
Grade Level: 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade
This elective is an inquiry, project based course that makes connections across the disciplines and meets the state mandates for the Gifted and Talented. The Discovery course is modeled after the LTHS Institutes of Study curriculum offerings. This course is only available to identified Gifted and Talented students.
In order for students to remain active in the GT Program, they must participate in Honors or Pre-AP Coursework. Students who do not participate in any of these courses will receive a letter noting that they are choosing to “furlough” those requirements for a year. If a student furloughs for more than one year they are considered inactive and may be exited from the program.
High School
In this elective students will make connections across the disciplines. There will be a substantial portion of the class where students will create their own assignments based on connections they make as various topics are explored. The subject matter will be determined by the UIL academic contests for that particular year. During the course of the class students will explore each of the UIL academic contests-- reading the novels that the state of Texas has picked for Social Studies and Literary Criticism, and studying the scientists chosen for the Science portion of UIL among other things. An emphasis will be given to reading original source material wherever possible. Students will be required to go to at least one UIL contest during the year. These contests are a way for students to get accolades for advanced work in an academic field and for them to earn scholarships if they make it to the state level. Another goal for the class will be to get a project of some kind published in a national journal or magazine. There will be at least 5 trips during the course of the class. The destinations will be finalized by the members of the class.
GT Graduation Recognition Criteria
Up to three of the criteria may come from successful completion of an AP class (with a final, un-weighted grade of a B or higher) and/or passing the AP exam with a score of 3 or higher.
At least one of the criteria must come from meeting one of the standards listed below: (students may not repeat any of these as part of their 4 criteria, i.e., two 2nd place finishes at the regional level = 1 criteria)
Completion of an advanced GT independent study.
National Merit Scholar - Commended or higher designation.
Publication in an approved nationally or state recognized journal or magazine (can be print article, photo, or art publication). No Internet publication will be accepted.
Individual Regional Placement (1st -6th) or any Individual Statewide Recognition or Qualification in any UIL Competition, including academics, arts, athletics, band, cheer, choir, dance, forensics (speech and debate), orchestra, or theater.
Seniors who are in year one of a GT furlough and meet the above criteria will be eligible for recognition. Seniors who are in year two of a GT furlough are considered inactive and will not qualify for the GT recognition.
Students must complete the required criteria and submit the appropriate documentation to the counseling office prior to May 1st of their senior year.
In order for students to remain active in the GT Program, they must participate in Honors, Pre-AP, AP or Dual Credit Coursework. Students who do not participate in any of these courses will receive a letter noting that they are choosing to “furlough” those requirements for a year. If a student furloughs for more than one year they are considered inactive and may be exited from the program.
The Discovery Program is available to all qualifying students regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status, special need or limited English proficiency. The identification process for the Discovery Program is rigorous and fair. It is also flexible enough to deal with students who join the school from other districts.
Assessment results may be drawn from quantitative and/or qualitative data from a range of several areas:
quantitative data including the results of nationally normed ability tests, teacher assessments, other available test data,such as standardized tests and baseline assessments
qualitative information including classroom observation
Fall Semester – October 23rd is the referral deadline for grades 2-12. Services for identified students will begin 2nd semester. All second grade students are administered an academic ability assessment between September 21st- October 2nd.
Spring Semester– April 1st is the referral deadline for kindergarten and 1st grade students as well as any new students in grades 2-12 enrolled in LTISD afterOctober 23rd. Services will begin in September of the next school year.
A teacher, parent, student, or other interested persons observing a student with consistent evidence of gifted characteristics may refer him/her during the appropriate referral window.
Students identified as gifted in another school district transferring into LTISD must meet the LTISD GT/Discovery program standards and will be required to go through the screening process. Similar tests meeting the same standards as LTISD may be substituted. If a student is transferring from a public school GT program, the campus has 30 calendar days to complete the screening process and make the appropriate placement.
Referral opportunities for gifted/talented identification are made available to students once per school year.
A nationally normed test score is valid for two years. A student will not be allowed to retake the same test within the two year window.
In the event of an appeal, the District Selection Committee will review the appeal form and accompanying evidence to ensure proper placement of all students without regard to race, gender, socio-economic status, special need or limited English proficiency.
Upon receiving the appeals form, the District Selection Committee will meet and deliver a response within six business weeks. The parents/guardians will receive notification by mail within one business week of the District Committee’s decision.
Last Modified on July 3, 2016